• Super U Berry Beauty Superfood Mix - 150g
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Super U Berry Beauty Superfood Mix - 150g

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Created to give your body the tools it needs to unlock your true beauty from within! The antioxidant rich blend of nature's best beauty foods provides a healthy dose of antioxidants with every spoonful, helping you to look and feel your best, every day.

Chia Seeds Acerola Maqui Acai Blueberry Goji Cranberry Strawberry

Add to water, smoothies and yoghurt daily to banish blemishes, reduce the visible signs of ageing and enhance the condition of hair, skin and nails. Enhance your everyday beauty regime with Berry Beauty and start to unlock all of its glowing benefits. In a hurry? Don't worry! You can add 1 tsp. of Berry Beauty to cold water, mix and sip away! Add your Berry Beauty to smoothies, sprinkle over oats or mix with yoghurt and granola

Disclaimer: This product has not been designed to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We encourage you to undertake your own personal research and to consult a qualified medical professional if you have any concerns or queries prior to consuming this product.

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