• Salcura DermaSpray Intensive Skin Nourishment Spray 100ml
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Salcura DermaSpray Intensive Skin Nourishment Spray 100ml

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Salcura DermaSpray 'Intensive' has a proven track record and is Salcura's most effective and practical solution for eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea and other related skin conditions. It contains Omega 3, 6, 7 and 9 that helps rejuvenate skin. It helps to calms the skin. It also helps to break the itch-scratch cycle. 

Fast and deep skin absorption.

No known side effects.

No staining of clothes or bed linen.

Helps to break the itch scratch cycle.

Water (Aqua), Vitamin and Mineral Solution, Dead Sea Minerals (Maris Sal), Vegetable Glycerine, Sea Buckthorn Oil (Hippophaes Rhamnoides), Swamp Paperbark Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Ericafolia), Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Alternifolia), Eucalyptus Oil (Eucalyptus Globulus), Manuka Oil (Leptospermum Scoparium), Australian Sandalwood Oil (Santalum Spicatum), Lemon Tea Tree Oil (Leptospermum Petersonii), Peppermint Oil (Mentha Arvensis), Lavender Oil (Lavendula Augustifolia), Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus Officinalis), Wheat Germ Oil (Triticum Vulgare), Aloe Vera Oil (Aloe Barbadensis), Sunflower Oil (Helianthus Annus).

Apply at least 3-4 times a day, initially onto the affected areas. Reduce this application frequency as the inflammation and symptoms subside. When skin has returned to relative normality, continue using the product to top the skin up with Dermaspray's vital nutrients at least 2-3 times per week. This should keep the symptoms controlled. When applying to the face and around the eyes, we suggest spraying onto a cotton pad then wiping onto the skin to give more control over the spray action and to avoid contact with eyes.

In cases of more severe surface skin damage and dryness, use this spray in conjunction with our zeoderm skin repair moisturiser, applying shortly after the spray.

Avoid contact with eyes.

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